Sunday, August 31, 2008

Dark Prince by Christine Feehan

Ratings: * * * * (out of 5 *)
Genre: Paranormal Romance

I thought my first review should be about the first book of my favorite romance series. Dark Prince is Christine Feehan's Book one on her Dark Series, a Carpathian Novel. It is a different take on vampire novels.

They are not vampires but Carpathians. Not dead but very much alive. These Carpathians are named after their mountain origins. They are a separate species, a powerful and immortal one but seemed doomed to extinction. After 200 years, a male Carpathian looses their emotions, feelings and ability to see colors. The lure of power and destruction becomes a nagging urge. When they can no longer take it, they kill their prey and relish the momentary surge of rush. This turns them into vampires, undead. Vampires are Carpathian males who turned and are no longer "of the light."

In order to save them from this plight, they must find their lifemates, their one true love. This lifemate will give them back their colors, emotions and life. She will save is soul and bring him back to the light. Unfortunately there are so few Carpathian women.

Mikhail, prince of the Carpathians is in turmoil. His inability to feel weakens his will to live on for his people. They have to face it: extinction. His sister was just murdered by human vampire hunters who cannot tell the difference between a Carpathian and a vampire. He is the judge, jury and executioner of his people. Mikhail has no other choice but to bring justice.

Enter Raven Whitney. She is a psychic with remarkable talents. Attraction flares up between her and Mikhail. Little did she know he was her... Dark Prince.

I like the series. Though, Dark Prince was not the first one I read. It is actually the third book I got my hands on in the series. It is a must-read and a must-collect. The main characters each struggling with their emotions but through it all, they profess their love. Mikhail struggles with his acquired emotions and the need to protect Raven at all cost. Raven, loner for most of her life, is struggling with the loss of her independence and rigid Carpathian ways. Their customs clashes but one thing they know and that is to protect each other at all cost. It's an explosive beginning!

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